Health Tips

How Chiropractic Can Help You Have a Great Summer

Summer has officially started and we are looking forward to some fun in the sun. Because summer is such a relaxed time of year, it’s also an ideal season to focus on protecting your health and overall well-being, starting with chiropractic care. Check out why chiropractic can help improve your summer.

How To Treat Your Body Between Adjustments

If you’re maintaining regular chiropractic care – great job! You have made strides in improving your overall health and wellness. But to get the most out of your chiropractic adjustments, you have to take care of your body between visits. Here are our tips.

Chiropractic Care and Digestion Relief

The holidays leave us with so many things to stress about: finding the perfect gift, preparing a delicious meal, and getting all the decorations just right. With all that on your mind, the last thing you should be stressing about is digestion issues. But with all the rich and decadent holiday foods, it’s hard not to! Fortunately, chiropractic care can help.

Enjoy a Pain-Free Holiday Flight

The holiday season is in full swing and as exciting as traveling to see loved ones can be, it can also be stressful for those suffering from back pain. Riding in an airplane can be hard on the body, especially for those with musculoskeletal issues. Here are our tips to help you enjoy a pain-free flight.

Have a Healthy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is just a day away and It is a time for family, gratitude, and reflection. It’s also a holiday that revolves almost entirely around food! At Stiles Chiropractic in Chicago, we care about more than chiropractic adjustments – we want to help you accomplish true health, and part of that by providing tips to help you stay healthy through the holidays. If taking a nap right over your Thanksgiving feast is part of your holiday routine, we encourage you to try some of our suggestions for a healthier holiday.

Don't Skip Your Sunscreen!

Summer is in full swing, and Chicago is feeling the heat! No matter what time of year it is, dermatologists recommend protecting your skin. If you are in the habit of applying sunscreen everyday, give yourself the kudos you deserve. Unfortunately, you are in the minority. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, only 29.9% of women and 14.3% of men regularly slather on the SPF. Here’s what you should know.

4th of July Travel Tips

The 4th of July is just days away! Many people choose to stay home for this summer holiday, but we have plenty of patients who will be taking advantage of the long weekend to travel. If you’re leaving town this Independence Day, remember to take your healthy habits with you. Exercise, nutrition, and proper sleep are still important — yes, even on vacation. Here’s how to have a happy and healthy 4th of July while you’re away!

Tips to Keep your New Year's Resolution

As January comes to a close, it is easy to lose track of our New Year’s Resolutions. Just a few short weeks ago, all you could think about was accomplishing your goals and making a fresh start. Despite your best efforts, it seems as though there is always something that just gets in the way. Sometimes that does away with the “new year, new you” feeling. Here are our tips to help you stick to reaching your goals in 2019!