Chiropractic Care and Digestion Relief

The holidays leave us with so many things to stress about: finding the perfect gift, preparing a delicious meal, and getting all the decorations just right. With all that on your mind, the last thing you should be stressing about is digestion issues. But with all the rich and decadent holiday foods, it’s hard not to! Fortunately, chiropractic care can help.

Chiropractic…for Digestion?

Most people associate chiropractic care with back and neck pain. But as your local Chicago chiropractor, Dr. Tracey Stiles can help with so much more! Chiropractic is effective in treating acute and chronic pain all over the body and new research suggests it can also provide real results for those struggling with digestive issues.

Chiropractic deals directly with the optimal functioning of the nervous system. The spine houses the spinal cord, which is the all-important communication center between the brain and the rest of the body. When the spine contains misalignments, or subluxations, it can cause an interruption in those messages. The vagus nerve innervates the organs of digestion and sympathetic nerves in the lumbar and thoracic regions also play a role in the rate of digestions along with the parasympathetic nerves near the sacrum. If a subluxation is present, these nerves might not get the messages they need to properly function.

How Chiropractic Helps

Chiropractic care starts by isolating the root problem. Through physical examination and consultation at our Chicago chiropractic practice, we will locate the subluxation, then apply a gentle and effective adjustment to correct it. Digestion issues are a huge problem in our society – over 80 billion dollars are spent on related medications each year – so non-invasive solutions like chiropractic care are imperative. Studies have shown an improvement in constipation with more regular bowel movements, less bloating and discomfort, and a decrease in heartburn with regular chiropractic treatment.

The holiday season puts added stress on the digestive system, but chiropractic care can help any time of year. To learn more about the benefits of chiropractic or to schedule your adjustment today, click here.