Do You Spend Too Much Time Standing?

As a patient at Stiles Chiropractic, you have probably hear us stress how important it is to maintain proper posture. Whether you are sitting, standing, walking, or even sleeping – good posture is essential. With proper posture, you position yourself so the least amount of strain possible is put on your ligaments and muscles. Proper posture also helps maintain correct alignment along the joints and bones, which decreases the wear and tear on joint surfaces. It also helps prevent muscle strain and back pain and allows muscles to work at their best. When you maintain proper posture, you reduce the risk of injury and back pain.

Stand with Proper Posture

If you’ve been following our blog, you know that sitting too much can have a negative impact on your health. One way to combat the problems associated with over-sitting is to get up and take regular stretch breaks throughout the day. But what about our patients that have the opposite problem and have to stand all day long? Here are our tips to maintain proper posture while standing:

  • Stand with your weight even dispersed between both feet. Your knees should have a soft bend (not locked out) and your feet should be about shoulder width apart.

  • Your arms should hang loose and naturally at your sides

  • Keep your shoulders pulled slightly back, your neck long, and your chin lifted to promote standing up straight and tall

  • Your core should be engaged and tight

  • Your head should be level with your earlobes and in line with your shoulders. Avoid pushing your head forward, sideways, or backward

  • When standing for extended periods of time, shift your weight from your heels to your toes and from one foot to the other

Remember to give yourself a break every now and then. Have a seat and relax. Dr. Tracey Stiles has plenty of seated exercises for you to practice that can help you feel better both physically and mentally throughout a long day of standing.

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