Tips for Working from Home

We’ve all experienced major changes as we practice social distancing due to coronavirus and working from home is one of them. For many people, it’s a huge adjustment to work from home. Whether you’re still getting acclimated to your new workspace or learning how to conduct meetings remotely, there is a lot of change happening. With those changes often comes back and neck pain. Here are our tips to help prevent pain while working from home.

Set Up a Work Station

As comfortable as your couch is, it may not be ideal as a workspace for 8 hours a day. Just as you’ve set up proper ergonomics at your office, you need to do the same at home. Make sure you have a space to either stand or sit at a table or desk (both would be best!). Your forearms should be parallel to the floor whether you are sitting or standing, and if sitting, your thighs should be parallel to the ground. Be sure to have a seat with back support – a small rolled-up towel will always work for lumbar support! Keep your computer at eye level and evaluate your posture regularly.


Some of us get so focused, we don’t remember that our bodies need to move! Set a timer at least once an hour to get up and stretch your back and legs and take a short walk. This will help get your blood moving and supply fresh oxygen and healing nutrients throughout your body. Not only will you feel better, but this simple task can help prevent injury.

Take Breaks

In an office environment, you probably take many mini-breaks throughout the day without even realizing it. Whether it’s getting up to walk to the restroom or fill up your water bottle or to chat with a co-worker, it’s important to give your brain a break! While working from home, this can be harder to do. Make a point to take a breather every now and then to help manage your stress.

These mini-breaks are a great time to get in a few stretches. Beyond moving your legs and back, roll your shoulders, turn your head from side to side slowly, and practice head extensions. Roll your wrists and ankles around to loosen up. This will improve how you feel both physically and mentally.

Get Adjusted

Just as we’re all getting adjusted to our new normal, your spine probably needs to be adjusted, too! Dr. Tracey Stiles uses gentle and effective adjustments to keep your spine in alignment to relieve your pain and help your body function optimally. To schedule an adjustment with Chicago’s best chiropractor, click here!