Posture? Yes, It's Important!

You’ve probably heard it countless times before – sit up straight! As we spend more time at home – and more time on the couch – it’s more important than ever. Proper posture isn’t just a matter of manners but is critical for your spinal health. Here’s what you need to know about posture.


Proper balance is a key component of proper posture. Pay attention to your posture next time you’re standing up. Is your weight distributed evenly or is one leg bearing more weight than the other? Are you standing with your legs crossed, causing your hips to move out of balance? If you aren’t balanced in your posture, your spine and muscles will work overtime to compensate for this. It’s important to pay attention to your posture whether you are sitting or standing and to make sure your pelvis is aligned. To help maintain proper alignment, be sure to join us at Stiles Chiropractic for an adjustment!


Balance and alignment go hand in hand. In order to be well balanced, your spine needs to be in proper alignment. Whether you are standing up or sitting down, your head should be looking straight ahead, your shoulders should be back slightly, and your knees and hips should be straight. Dr. Tracey Stiles regularly treats patients with forward head tilt and hunched shoulders. Both of these ailments are caused by constant use of cell phones and computers, which only increases as more people spend more time social distancing. With regular chiropractic adjustments, you can ensure your spine and neck are in proper alignment which will benefit your posture.

Activity Level

Even if you are feeling a bit lazier than usual, your body craves movement! In fact, it was designed to move and without regular motion, it degenerates. Exercise, stretches, and regular chiropractic care all help keep your body functioning well. You may be missing your favorite workout classes given our current situation, but you can still enjoy plenty of outdoor exercises like bike riding and walking or even take advantage of free workout programs available online. For suggestions on ways to stay active while social distancing, be sure to ask during your next adjustment.

Spinal health is crucial to our overall health and wellness, and practicing proper posture is key. To learn more about how chiropractic can benefit you, click here to schedule an adjustment with your local Chicago chiropractor.