Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

As January comes to an end, New Year’s Resolutions usually do too. Millions of people make the commitment to exercise more and yet, year after year, we let those commitments fall to the wayside. So why can’t we keep with it? There’s no one single answer, but there are a few tips you can introduce into your lifestyle that are easy-to-follow and long-term. Here are the Stiles Chiropractic recommendations to make your New Year’s resolutions stick!

Get Motivated

When you start (or work to maintain) a new fitness routine, it’s important to find something you enjoy so you can stay motivated and excited about your new lifestyle. It’s no easy task to go from a sedentary lifestyle to an active one in just days, so you’ll need to find a few ways to keep yourself inspired and interested throughout the year. Try to start with small, attainable goals such as eating only one treat per day or exercising three days per week. Once you feel comfortable with those steps, you can integrate more goals into your routine. Plus, reaching those goals will keep you motivated and moving.


It isn’t necessarily the exercise itself that is the most challenging for most people – it’s making time to schedule multiple workouts per week. No matter how busy you are, you deserve to take the time for self-care, and that includes exercise. It may not be easy, but committing to these changes will make you feel better and healthier. The added bonus of getting stronger isn’t too bad, either! Try physically scheduling workouts into your planner so you aren’t tempted to do something else at the same time. Remember to keep your workouts interesting so you don’t become bored. Try yoga or dance classes, go for a hike, or check out your local CrossFit or rock-climbing gym.


Let’s start by making one thing clear: when we say diet, we are referring to the foods that you consume, not the latest diet that is trending. Your diet is just as (if not more) important than exercise and can be just as challenging. When you are used to eating certain foods, breaking those habits and starting a healthier, cleaner diet can seem repetitive, dull, and expensive. One way to keep things exciting is to shop at your local farmer’s market for fresh, local produce. Try new fruits and vegetables and check out some chefs and cooking shows so you can find new ways to prepare healthy and delicious meals.

We know sticking to resolutions can be tough, and we are here to support you in your commitment to living a healthier lifestyle. To learn more about how Dr. Tracey Stiles and Stiles Chiropractic can benefit you, click here to contact us.