Stick It Out Through Summer with Chiropractic

Summer can feel like an event in itself. In some ways it is like one big holiday as excitement builds for all the fun activities the season holds and everyone rushes to put plans into play.

Barbecues, vacations, swimming lessons and more all compete for attention and all that activity can wear us out. To stay happy, sane, and healthy this summer, follow our tips.

Summertime Tips

Summer is a season that brings relaxation to mind, but it is usually bustling with activity. Be sure to alternate between active and relaxed events so you have a chance to fully enjoy the season. It’s also important to slow down a bit and enjoy summer without injury or exhaustion. To help you and your family have a great summer, focus on the following: eating healthy, drinking plenty of water, stretching, and taking advantage of a summer nap every now and then.

Before you take on your next activities like hitting the trails or going for a bike ride, start with a series of stretches to get your body warmed up. You’ll also want to dress in comfortable layers of clothing to stay cool during the day and warm into the evening. Leave behind bulky purses and opt for light backpacks or fanny packs with just your essentials so you don’t overload tired and/or strained muscles. If traveling, leave plenty of time for breaks to stretch your legs and take a quick walk. It’s always a good idea to pack some healthy snacks for your next adventure to keep your energy levels up.

Get Adjusted at Stiles Chiropractic

Summer activities sometimes lead to back pain and injuries and Dr. Tracey Stiles is here to help. Your visit will start with a consultation to determine your spinal health and pain level, along with a medical history and discussion of the best treatment plan for your unique situation, all while avoiding the risks of surgery and medication. Chiropractic adjustments are a safe, gentle, and effective method of treatment for a number of injuries and can help you establish and maintain great spinal health so you can feel great all summer long.

At Stiles Chiropractic, we are committed to helping your entire family achieve true health. To learn more about how chiropractic care can benefit you all year long, click here to contact Chicago’s best chiropractor.