Combat Cold Weather with Chiropractic


Winter is well on its way and as much fun as a snow day can be, long winters are hard on the body. In the Windy City, we’re no stranger to the unwanted side effects of winter. One of the most challenging things about the cold is staying healthy through the season. To improve your chances of keeping your body healthy through winter, give chiropractic a try. Here’s how Stiles Chiropractic in Chicago can help.

Your Body Gets Stiff

Have you ever noticed that you have a little less flexibility in the winter? Well, the cold makes our muscles and bodies stiff. In cold temperatures, your body contracts, meaning your muscles are reluctant to stretch out. Instead, they tighten up in an attempt to keep warm. This causes that inflexible and stiff feeling, which may lead to injury. Dr. Tracey Stiles can help keep muscle and joint stiffness away by keeping your spine in proper alignment, encouraging and overall healthier body.

Exercise is a Challenge

For some of us, it’s hard enough to get to the gym. Add on freezing temperatures — no thanks! If you’re one to workout outside, the cold weather makes that much more difficult. If you like to go to the gym, getting out of a warm bed and into a cold car to go workout isn’t all that appealing. These reasons alone explain why people tend to miss more workouts in the winter. Once you add on all the holiday food and cheer and sluggish feelings from excess sugar, it’s even more difficult to motivate yourself to get moving. Lack of exercise often makes the stiffness mentioned above even worse, and you mah=y find yourself with more aches and pains due to a decrease in physical activity. Chiropractic will help your body loose and limber in the winter months so you can keep up with your exercise routine.

Fight Off Illness

Chiropractors are known as back doctors, but we do more than eliminate stiffness and pain. The spine is part of the central nervous system (CNS), which communicates with other systems of the body, including the immune system. Because the immune system is in charge of fighting off illness, it’s important that we keep it strong and healthy. Chiropractic sets off a sort of chain reaction in the body. When the spine is healthy, it boosts the immune system. This is especially important during cold and flu season!

If you would like to help your body maintain its health this winter, visit us at Stiles Chiropractic. For more information about how Dr. Tracey Stiles and her team of chiropractic professionals can help, click here to contact us.