Stay Healthy with Chiropractic Care

No matter where you look, COVID-19 (aka coronavirus) is dominating the headlines. Hand sanitizer, canned foods, and toilet paper are flying off the shelves. Despite how stressful these times may be, there are steps you can take to avoid getting sick in the first place. Here are our tips to help you stay healthy.

Wash Your Hands

You’ve probably heard this tip countless times, but we’re going to repeat it. You have to wash your hands frequently and thoroughly. Simply washing with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds is an excellent defense against getting sick in the first place.

Make sure you wash your hands before meals, after using the restroom, and if you’ve been in public where people are actively touching surfaces. Be mindful of how frequently you touch your face and try not to do so after touching a germy object like a door handle, credit card machine, or touch screen.

Eat Right

A healthy immune system gets its start in your gut! A diet rich in whole grain foods, lean protein, healthy fats, and fresh fruits and vegetables keeps the good bacteria in your gut happy, which helps protect your body when it’s been exposed to germs. As you take a good look at your diet, try to reduce the amount of added sugars you are consuming, as they can disrupt the balance between good and bad gut bacteria. It also doesn’t hurt to stay hydrated and increase your intake of Vitamin D and Vitamin C.

Catch Some Zzz’s

When you are feeling anxious and stressed, it may seem impossible to get a good night’s sleep. But keep in mind that if you don’t get a minimum of seven hours of restful sleep at night, you could be putting your health in jeopardy. When you sleep, your body has the opportunity to recuperate and rest. Sleep is a key element to your health and wellness, so be sure to get plenty of it.

If you are having difficulty falling asleep, evaluate your sleep environment. Your bedroom should be quiet, cool, and dark. Consider your sleep routine – make sure all electronics are powered off at least an hour before bed, avoid late afternoon caffeinated beverages, and do what you can to relax and prepare your body for sleep.

Visit Stiles Chiropractic

Chiropractic adjustments aim to improve the function and health of the central nervous system, which regulates every single function in the body – and that includes the immune system. Regular chiropractic manipulations are gentle and effective and remove spinal joint dysfunctions that impact how well your central nervous system communicates with the rest of the body. When your body can communicate effectively, the function of every system in the body will improve.

While you may not be able to control coronavirus and its effects, you can control what measures you take to protect yourself and support your health. To learn more about how your local Chicago chiropractor can help, click here to contact us.