New Dad? Try Chiropractic!


If you are a new dad getting ready to celebrate Father’s Day this weekend, this blog is for you. You are probably feeling a lot of emotions right now – joy, fear, sleep deprivation to name a few. You’ve also probably heard plenty of advice, but one piece we find most parents don’t always follow it to make their own health a priority, too. It’s easy and understandable to push your own needs to the side when you have a new baby to care for and one part of health that is often overlooked is spinal health. Bending over to pick up your baby and hauling heavy diaper bags can take its toll, so it’s important to give your back the TLC it deserves. Here are our tips to help new dads have a healthy spine and a Happy Father’s Day.

Get As Much Rest As Possible

This one might seem impossible and getting much needed restful sleep probably isn’t in the cards for a while, so make sure you rest when you can. When deprived of sleep, your whole body suffers, including your muscles. When they tire out and weaken, your lower back ends up picking up the slack, which can lead to pain and long-term injury.

Lift With Your Legs

You’ve heard this one before, and it’s not just for picking up boxes and furniture. Your newborn might be small now, but your baby is going to grow – and fast! To protect your spine and back for the long haul, practice lifting properly now.

Make sure you avoid stooping over at your waist and instead bend at your knees. This isn’t just for picking up baby, but for changing diapers, too. Use a surface that will prevent you from staying hunched over. It may not seem like a lot right now, but after a few thousand diaper changes, you will be thinking a little differently.

Get Chiropractic Adjustments

One of the most rewarding jobs in the world is raising kids, but it’s also one of the most challenging. To make things a little bit easier on yourself, start with some self-care and chiropractic adjustments. These spinal manipulations will keep your back properly aligned. At Stiles Chiropractic. Dr. Tracey Stiles is an expert as using spinal adjustments to align the vertebrae of the spine, which relieves pain and treats injury. When the joints and spine are misaligned, it can cause a variety of health issues. As a new parent, who has time for that?! To maintain better health and keep up with your growing family, start with chiropractic care.

To learn more about how chiropractic can benefit you (and your entire family), click here to contact your local Chicago chiropractor.