Chiropractic Care for All Phases of Life

When most people think of chiropractors, they think of doctors for neck and back pain. While we can certainly help with these issues, chiropractic can be beneficial for people of all ages during any phase of life. While everyone can enjoy the benefits of chiropractic, people in these particular phases of life may gain even more positive effects. Here are the stages of life when you should absolutely see a chiropractor to protect health and wellness.

Young Adulthood

Many young adults often think that because they are healthy now, they will always stay that way. But there truly is no time like the present to protect your health, especially in your younger years! As you get older, health concerns that seemed to only plague your parents are suddenly happening to you. When you make chiropractic a part of your healthcare regimen at a young age, you set yourself up with an excellent prevention plan. At Stiles Chiropractic, Dr. Tracey Stiles and her team will help keep your Central Nervous System and spine healthy, thus positively impacting every other system in the body. Don’t wait until you experiencing a health issue to start chiropractic care; prevent the problem with a health and wellness plan.


Pregnancy, as incredible as it is, is also incredibly hard. Your body changes rapidly and is sometimes unrecognizable. Your body hurts, you’re frustrated and tired, and your emotions seem like they’re all over the place. Because so many changes are happening to your body at this phase of life, it is the perfect time for regular chiropractic care. The added weight and joint shifts that naturally occur during pregnancy are hard on your spine and pain and stiffness are just a part of everyday life for now. But coming to Stiles Chiropractic here in Chicago throughout your pregnancy helps alleviate discomfort and pain, ease the loosening of your joints, and can help you enjoy more energy with better sleep. Plus, most find chiropractic adjustments relaxing, and now is certainly the time to focus on the health of you and your baby. If there’s one stage you could benefit from chiropractic care, it’s now!

Your Golden Years

Growing older is a wonderful thing! Age gives us the privilege to offer an experienced perspective, watch children and grandchildren grow up, and be the word of wisdom. As enjoyable as retirement can be, it also comes with its own set of aches and pains. Growing older is difficult on the body. You might find you are experiencing discomfort while doing activities that were easy before. Your joints may be inflexible and stiff and your neck and back might hurt constantly. Other ailments seem to come and go as they please. As you age, chiropractic adjustments can ease those discomforts and keep you active and mobile in the years to come.

If you are ready to enjoy the benefits of chiropractic care, no matter what phase of life you are in, contact us here at Stiles Chiropractic in Chicago, IL. The benefits of getting regular chiropractic adjustments are far and wide, so don’t miss out! We are here to help you get started on a healthier path.