Do You Suffer From Morning Stiffness?

Imagine this: the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and you roll over to get out of bed – ouch! – you can’t move. If this sounds familiar, you aren’t alone! Millions of Americans suffer from morning stiffness and also struggle to start their day. There are many things that can cause morning stiffness and it can happen to any joint in the body. Fortunately, chiropractic care can help.

Get Restful Sleep

Do you get enough restful sleep each night? An adult should get between seven to nine hours of sleep every single night. Your body needs to recover from the day and it uses sleep to repair damage that has occurred over the course of the day. If you aren’t getting enough sleep, then you aren’t giving your body the time it needs to rest and repair, and you will certainly feel those effects in the morning.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise may not be your most favorite activity, but if you suffer from stiffness, exercise and stretching are even more important. When you stretch and exercise, you help support healthy joints and help reduce the wear and tear they are exposed to every day. Adults should aim for about 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise (like swimming or walking) each week. Exercise also helps promote better sleep and increased energy, so waking up will be even easier.

Say No to Stress

If you’re under a lot of stress (which a lot of us are), it can impact many aspects of your life such as how you sleep at night or how you feel physically. Stress can even contribute to how you feel in the morning when you get up out of bed, so it’s important to find a way to relieve that stress. Meditation, exercise, massage, yoga – whatever works for you to help keep your stress levels in check.

Stretch and Shower

Before you try to get out of bed, take a moment to let your body wake up. Wiggle your fingers and toes, bend your legs and arms and get in a good stretch. It doesn’t have to be fancy to help reduce stiffness. You may also want to hop right into a hot shower. Not only does this feel nice, but the hot water can help loosen up stiff joints and muscles.

Visit Stiles Chiropractic

Dr. Tracey Stiles is committed to helping you achieve health and wellness through chiropractic care. When your body is functioning optimally with the help of chiropractic adjustments, you can kiss joint stiffness goodbye. To learn more about how a visit with your local Chicago chiropractor can benefit your health, click here to request an appointment.