Chiropractic for Knee Pain


If you have ever suffered from knee pain, you know that even the most basic day-to-day activities can feel nearly impossible. Whether it is bending down to pick something up off the floor, climbing the stairs at your workplace, or simply getting out of bed, knee pain can be a real issue that has negative effects on your ability to accomplish daily tasks.


Take a look at your options: reduce your activities, live with the pain, take more pain medication? None of those sound ideal to us. Well, what about chiropractic care? We regularly treat patients that are overcoming health issues, knee pain included. Rather than focusing on only pain relief, we begin my addressing the underlying issues that are likely the cause of that knee pain and help alleviate pain through a combination of chiropractic techniques.

There are usually several options of approach when it comes to treating knee pain. We might use soft tissue massage, which can help improve the knee’s range of motion or include the use of ice therapy to reduce inflammation of the joint. We will also use chiropractic manipulations in the areas of the knee and surrounding joints that have limited movement. Our years of experience combined with multiple treatment methods can reduce your knee pain and increase your range of motion, all while improving overall function.


If you aren’t sure if you should seek out chiropractic care for your knee pain, ask yourself these three questions:

  • Have you had to limit your activity levels?

  • Are you currently taking pain medication?

  • Is your knee pain so severe that it is limiting your ability to function normally? .

If you answered yes to these questions and your knee pain continues to bother you. it is time to contact us for a consultation. Consistent pain shouldn’t be something that you are forced to live with. We will address and correct the issues in and around the knee and will also determine if there are other ligament issues that could be contributing factors or even the true cause of your pain. Most people don’t realize this, but limited range of motion in the hips or tightness in the lower back can put added stress on the knees, which causes pain.

Our goal is to get to the bottom of what is causing you discomfort and get you on the right track to living pain-free!