Sleeping Postures

Different sleep positions have different benefits. If you’re struggling with pain or other health issues, you might need to switch your sleep position in order to help manage it. And, while it might not be something you can do in one night, it can definitely be worth trying out. Taking the time to gradually train yourself to sleep in a new position could be the secret to improving your sleep quality. However, if that’s something you aren’t comfortable with, don’t stress about it. You can also try modifying your favorite sleep position to make sure you’re getting the most out of it.

The fetal position has loads of benefits. Not only is it great for lower back pain or pregnancy, sleeping in the fetal position can help reduce snoring. If you want to make the fetal position more comfortable, make sure your posture is loose and relaxed when you curl up. Keep your legs relatively extended, and you can even try sleeping with a pillow between your knees. As it turns out, sleeping on your side is actually pretty good for you, especially if you’re sleeping on your left side. Not only can it help reduce snoring, it’s great for your digestion and might even reduce heartburn. If you prefer sleeping on your side, make sure to choose a good pillow to avoid neck and back pain. Sleep on whichever side feels most comfortable, but don’t be afraid to switch to a different position if it’s not working for you.

We spend roughly one-third of our lives sleeping — or attempting to sleep. Your sleep position matters more than you might think. If you’re having trouble sleeping, your health can suffer. Plus, sleep deprivation is about more than getting enough sleep — sleep quality matters, too. If you don’t feel rested when you wake up, try practicing good sleep habits. Incorporating sleep hygiene into your regular routine can help boost your sleep quality in a big way.